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I began to learn programming in pure C, creating small apps for mathematical calculations such as

eletronic diaries.

During Game Design I familiarised myself with Flash for a while, until finally settling for the use of Unity and getting to learn C#. 

I later decided to learn a more commonly used language and studied C++ through the internet.

I also have some understanding of Python, having made a small 2D space shooter in it.

Upon entering Fanshawe in Canada, I got to learn C++ better and maanged to create my

own engine with the use of OpenGL for tgraphics, FMOD for the sound, Bullet for physics, as well as using NSIS to create installers.


I started learning C++ by myself, using videos from websites like 3DBuzz to get a better comprehension of it. I can say that my real programming knowledge and base concepts have all come from C/C++, where I made a small console based magician game and a text adventure game.

Once I got familiarized with it, I went into Unreal in order to learn a bit more about networking. It was with Unreal that I got a better grasp of the C++ language inside an engine with multiple objects and classes. It was then that I made the Diamond Rush game.

I then moved to Canada to study at Fanshawe, obtaining a treasure of information and concepts about both C++ and OpenGL, creating my own 3D engine on the process called DarkLight Engine.

The experience also allowed me to learn a lot about libraries like FMOD for the sound, in which we used both 2D and 3D sounds with multiple sound effects, like a Zelda style music fade and switch when enemies are nearby the character.

I learned a lot about physics, creating my own physics library and later switching to Bullet for a faster approach. NSIS was used to create installers using all the packaged data for the engine, as well as writing to windows's files and removing them upon uninstalling.



C# and Unity

I learned C# by using Unity during my Game Design course in Brasil. A lot of what I know about solutions inside games come from studying games in Unity for about 4 years.

During this time, I created many small games, like the Final Fantasy Study, the Shooting Star Rebirth and my final project Crystal Seasons.

This allowed me to learn a lot of different methods inside Unity's program like altering the editor and using coroutines for time based code events.

Python and Lua

While in Brasil, I decided to learn a bit about Python, making a small space shooter game in it.

Though it was very brief, I learned how to make simple codes in Pythin that I used in projects inside my own Game Engine.

Lua was used in my previous Engine, where I made small lines that were read from a file and parsed to the Engine in the form of commands that would automate entities inside my game. I removed it from the current Engine since we weren't going to use it anymore, but it can be easily added back.

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